Thursday, August 7, 2008

She's A Spirited Child

Oh my Jael. Such life. Such spirit. She fully experiences every moment of life and we have to just go along for the ride and help her to not get herself hurt. So last night we put Jael back in her toddler bed (we tried this once before and it worked for a few weeks). I was worried because last time we tried it she would get up a hundred times before falling asleep - it wasn't fun. It was going great - she only got out of her bed ONCE. Well about 45 minutes after she was first put down I decided to check on her again. I figured she was asleep because I hadn't heard her talking for a little while. I open the door to her room to see her in her bed, looking right at me as she was buck naked and playing with her play cell phone. Totally serious look on her face. I ended up closing the door and started laughing and called Erik to come and see his daughter. When we went in there she asked if it was time to get up. What a kid! Nearly 2 hours after she first went to bed she finally fell asleep. Fun times.

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